Sunday, July 1, 2007

Something that makes me say "hm-m-m-m"

This mornng I caught just a bit of Meet the Press and the discussion of a new poll of young people. That sent me in search of the poll, which is described here, with the complete results listed here. What was particularly interesting was that those polled were asked to speculate about the people they know. Specifically, they were asked, "Do you think most people you know would or would not vote for a presidential candidate who is black?" A woman? A Mormon? The answers were 30%, 38% and 59% respectively thought the people they know would not vote for such candidates.

Interesting. Those sound like pretty signficant numbers to me. If the respondents' speculations are correct, can it be that so many young people are willing to disqualify candidates not on the basis of their positions on the issues or their conduct but because they are the wrong gender, race, or religion? As compared to all adults, young people may be less tolerant than adults in general on voting for a Mormon candidate. That's discouraging.


Craig said...

I agree. That is discouraging.

OsoDelSol said...

I guess that's the up-side of an age group that doesn't vote?