Monday, July 30, 2007

New Owner wanted

Sung to the tune of Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer:

Harvey, the chocolate brown poodle
Had a very bad hair cut.
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it sucked.
All of the other puppies
Would surely laugh and call him names.
They'd never let poor Harvey, join in any doggie games.

I know my limitations, and I now know that I wasn't meant to be a dog groomer. Unfortunately for Harvey, he's the one that has to pay the price. I think he might indeed be in the market for a new owner who is not so willing to experiment with his grooming. But I've had bad hair cuts and bad dye jobs (maroon hair!) and like me, he too will discover that it will grow out. In a few weeks, I'll schedule him to visit a real dog groomer. Until then, if anyone asks, he's not at home.

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