Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Baylor to compete in Quidditch World Cup Competition"

Will this be the headline we'll read one day?

After another dismal football season, maybe we should consider a new sport. Apparently college quidditch is catching on, albeit without flying brooms, as described in this story. There's even an intercollegiate competition. Surely, we could take Middlebury College. Plus, maybe I could watch re-runs of the quidditch match on nights like tonight when because of the greed of the NFL and Time Warner, I CAN'T WATCH THE 'BOYS! But, I'm not mad or anything.

Back to quidditch. I see an opportunity for Baylor to take the lead within the Big 12 (or excuse me, the Big XII). So fresh off his success finding us a new football coach, maybe our AD could get us a quidditch coach.

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