Sunday, June 10, 2007

Did he really ask that?

What does one say to a 16 year old who wants to go to Hooters for dinner with a pal? That indeed was the question posed by K2. Even more surprising was that the question was posed to me after his father had already nixed the idea. Did he really think that I would overrule his father? By now, he knows that if he doesn't get his way with one parent, going to the other in hopes of a different outcome is a longhot--he has a better chance of being struck by lightning, twice, in one week. But on this question in particular, he should have known better. To his dismay, I too agreed that it was inappropriate. Alas, he had to go elsewhere to have hotwings. I'm sure that's the only reason they were itching to go to Hooters. It's rather ironic that the whole question arose after having just discussed in E.Discrim. class the "family restaurant" nature Hooters.

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