Friday, August 10, 2007

Serves the witch right

How bad must it hurt to have to forfeit a lottery ticket worth $1 million?

I hope it hurts like being stranded at the altar by your one true love, in front of hundreds of guests.

I hope it hurts like 99 splinters being shoved under your nails.

I hope it hurts like losing to your worst enemy.

I hope the woman described in this article hurts like hades. She bought the winning ticket with a stolen credit card.

As the victim of identity theft committed by a couple of witches who were never caught despite having chcarged thousands of dollars on my credit cards, I'm happy to see at least one thief get her comeuppance.


Ginger Hunter said...

The bit about a prior conviction for Meth explains a lot. I would have liked to see a more creative punishment than 1 month in an air-conditioned jail. Maybe a stint picking up litter beside a hot Texas highway.

Wilson said...

Come on Ginger, you can be more creative than that. I'm thinking, she should be painted with honey, and shackled near a fire ant pile. But I'm not bitter or sadistic!