Thursday, February 14, 2008

I hate when this happens

Nothing is worse than having a good idea, implementing it, watching it take hold, and then having that idea stolen. And so it goes with the Naked Cowboy, who can be found in New York City. All those years of walking around Times Square. On the one occasion I saw him, it was cold outside--it was November! Neither Rain, nor Sleet, nor gloom of night--oh, that's the mailman. Either way, a little weather doesn't seem to faze the Naked Cowboy.
Now comes M&M/Mars, dressing an M&M as a naked cowboy. Stealing a man's underwear--how could they. Either way, as reported here, the Naked Cowboy, aka Robert Burck, has filed a trademark infringement in federal court. Not the typical IP case.

1 comment:

TheAdjunct said...

I don't get the marketing concept here. What am I missing?