Sunday, September 27, 2009

To iPhone or Not?

That is the question. My Blackberry Pearl functions perfectly. I don't NEED a new phone, but I WANT an iPhone. And so I obsess.

Reasons to get a new phone.
1. iPhones are really cool.
2. I could get really cool apps like Black's Law Dictionary and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
3. I want one.
4. Professor Torts thinks I should.
5. I can add educational apps for the younger BoilerBabies. That would make me a good mother. 6. All the cool kids have iPhones.
7. I'd be keeping pace with the older BoilerBabies.
8. An iPhone would match my wardrobe.
9. iPhones are really cool.
10. I want one.

Reasons NOT to get a new phone.

1. Everybody has an iPhone.
2. I don't want to be manipulated by AT&T.
3. I don't need a new phone.
4. There are children starving in Africa. A new phone would be the height of triviality.
5. I've lived 40-some years without an iPhone. I think life would go on if I didn't get one.

Wow! There are twice as many reasons to get a new phone as there reasons not to. So I stacked the deck. So what.

But, I'll continue to obsess.

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