Sunday, November 23, 2008

So there weren't any aliens after all

Just another Saturday night at home with the fam, when the loud, low rumble began, and went on. . . and on. . . and on. . . At first, it seemed like just another night of helicopters and planes flying over head b/c GWB was at the Western White House. But the rumble was too steady and stationary to be presidential security. An earthquake?? Nah--no tremors. Unable to identify it, it was pretty bizarre and a tad frightening. I had visions of Independence Day and an invasion by aliens; it was just that weird. I was rather relieved when it ended several minutes later.

I wasn't alone in my my characterization of this odd event. This morning, the freaky event was the topic of post-church chit-chat, as some described how they thought the world was coming to an end or that we were under attack.

So what was it? A rocket test gone awry. At 10 o'clock at night. With a bright glow, visible for miles around. But of course, I knew nothing about the bright light--I wasn't going outside to let the aliens get me. Either way, the company supposedly "warned" people of the test by placing something in the McGregor paper, given that the test occurred there. Unfortunately, not even the people who live there read that paper, and since none of the people I spoke to live there, so much for the warning.

I never considered jumping from my window out of fear of the aliens. But I sure hope that the next time a rocket test is planned, the company would be so kind as to make use of the Trib or any of the local tv stations to give an effective warning. Just a thought.

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