Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bit by the bug

I tried to avoid it. I was determined not to succumb to the mass hysteria. But alas, I was stricken with Harry Potter fever. I spent Friday evening and this afternoon re-reading The Half-Bloood Prince. We decided against going to any book store parties, but first thing this morning, I dutifully traipsed off to the store to purchase a copy. I'd barely crossed the threshhold when K2 emerged from his room, as if he'd caught the scent of the new book. Now the challenge--avoiding overhearing or reading how the series ends.


Poseur said...

By the time you posted this, I had already finished the book.

How big of a dork am I?

I won't give any spoilers, but its not what happens, its how things happen thats important in any book. Knowing that X happens shouldn't ruin a good book. It's the journey, not the destination.

Wilson said...

Finished the book already? Well, I hope to join y'all in the know soon.

Poseur said...

Apparently, I read 100 pages an hour.

Anonymous said...

I pre-ordered on Amazon and it was delived to my door on Saturday morning. But after all of that it's still sitting on my night stand as my prize when I finish grading the property exams.

Wilson said...

Great incentive to get done with grading. A chocolate frog to you for such discipline.